Page 21 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 21

nsurance rlces - lg er or Lower?
Ev Wgmla Fumes
The Pohcy Center Inc
/srksml M5
csldci calllrlg yuut agent now ALL the buildings tn an atea/tuwn. lt A) Red I\.1u~tt1n};,nnl~,C()n\'L‘ItIbIc—Z5
and then at upen yent blll~, a tutnade olltbmzlk nC(|Ir~‘ — and ha~ y/ u dtnet , sssmu new
huw mueh tune dn you ~‘[:cl‘ld — a eunnaany euuld get wlpcd ()ulln5 B) Fm (km MP Chmkmi 55 W0
tlnnlungahnuttmutanee l nllnulo d _ Saw,” _ Y

k1'll.»llghtMl—blltl:lkct1 tnutnentnuw “V” ' "“‘

and let» .ee tt Vou c'lrl me lnuraclf Y""‘”'"“““'1‘“d““"““’°““"“‘“"P“d wh h r h- - v 1 v

. g L »l 3 . IC n t L~L(:\I>d()\.nutunkVtlll

>()l‘flCH10hC)’. Flr~t, 1L‘l'~~cch()wrt1lc~ °'"b»’ Mvlnadwnd PM <>u'a<1w" c,,,,m,a.,,,,,e,,,c, ‘

Tl mhbwmd let an MILLION — In ene check The * *

5 ‘ all—w<ll.»d hutldtng had heen dontllcd Today's vl:hlclL‘~ ate zllmmt dnvetle.a
IIdTll:~n'tmzlm:rw1'll:lhl:rltls te the nty. lt wt1~ gln()Inl()us—L‘vL‘Il Ins()n]L‘t11'V_‘t]>. And tn-nnaeta.~e~,
eennnetetal ut pchontll, tettatn lhlngs had rallrnt1dlrt1(k~ end tn end so the t11eyARE drlvlsrlcw‘ The eentputet
ate tate cstzllzlkuh —kLv:l1t1gcd dn\.'l_'r~ pmducb the (url1PahVnIt1l'I|Ift1(KL\l'l‘d "dnvlsr" e the "hct1rt"al1d"bIaln"
(sutprlicdn, htgh pTl\\lcmd vL‘hlcll:~, eunld he lnatled nght unto the Cars. et the vehtele. They ate t1l~u ~L‘n()u~ly
11ull~c~nl:ldccnklxv:ly<l!wood .uut , etpenavetntepan/teplaee /\nd,slncc
In the enuntty with ne hte hydmrlks ;“‘1:""* “‘”“““l’ "“ ’ "“1““‘L‘ the \'L‘11I(k‘ n neatly n~ele~.- wllhout
“L‘MbV'»'—°">P““1‘fl"‘“'\’\’0'-‘dh‘“1>C ‘" '"““““"”“""‘“‘°““‘ ” * u, thl~ ean etplatn whv the cunlpallv

h ~ ol<, IIlmbcI—~nt1ppcd and bmkcn. The H ,, — —

(lg tacnhs the .tteet ttena say, the bum" Wm“ mxddtm MMM ‘ wtlletten tetal a\.'L'hlclC,r£lt1'll1rk1'lal‘l
C.uIl(lfMcxlc() Icnuldlmvlsstlld N j‘ ‘M _H ‘ V K  d"P' Icpzllrlt.

"ueeanlmnt" but the Culf aria up every " "‘f“t““5R P‘_’“‘f Sf “(';‘;‘  V‘ ‘ Y h H

year, much mete lhzln the Allanllc "“'V‘)"”‘; "kh ‘ ""f“r‘§ ‘:1 ‘d" 1??‘ “N ‘ L I‘-"“Pfl“.V “"9" W11 “N
Wbminyuu amummmwlmpm any 1. nod Ll’!/vuh‘~l,< en c‘uu‘drl mics zlfklsrzlclalnlh ut tl\\l0,tmy ate nut
mdmmndwmmmmmmbu ainte ,M\t1c te n;at~autk}.‘ g}t‘nngtut‘eeuup‘t En (\1~~L;>)/;_uXELl\~L~
you am amhupwwd m makmpmfw a 1L‘C(Y)ln]}t)t1nyl:l;‘|Irt‘hLVLr}: ling, t hwzly xylnu ta ass 5l,«L en~e
would you ehatgentute set the guyon 'Em?5“‘$‘* “ ‘"3 V “Vfi ]“P};“‘° t “}"““2“‘f,’,‘”“' W ‘W “;1'h" W ‘Kl;
thmmnhflm guy“ ~ay’MmPlm vLnILln~umncLVvt1~ln\.() \/L K95)!’ t  tatt lnCrtt1~L‘L»d t Lflrifglrlla .7
0rAlbuquL‘Iq|IL‘7 Nuw tht1lcl.»mpany'~ rL‘ln~uIanCc K‘: ”1;‘“:}““““l““’““ “m”; ‘’f‘

bablvgm .,ND“mdm eua y, e.e (\~~L‘s:\IL‘sprL‘a uu
Whv7 Pm — ’ ' evetanude nllmbcIl.»f1'lumL‘~ln '(\uI
— blllldlngsm htgh value." You can’! 3
oh, a ~t()Im llkc l<atnna wuuldn’l get ll ptethtt a tntnaelu, thete nl:lykll:t1'lIL\' ‘Y‘°‘"“>C' h‘-‘"‘°”f‘ :1“ fi“;“‘;‘§!_" :1‘ f
pmbably. Rlght thl~  et  tat zu  Thl~ ;;‘:',ém;§:;;‘:7,*§;‘ 33:; “:0 0<‘=1j‘Cj;;‘
K K tltlkh‘ Vt‘ ‘ ~ "
Now huw ahent hte. la a wood hnuscl  ‘ eua~taI, tl.»rnild<\t1n::ls, ~n()w at tee
hutldtng ntnte hleely kl hutn all the ‘ ’ ‘ arct1,dlhkslTlrnl~, etc. The cxpcncrlcc
.n.utanee tet tn.-utanee c(:mpt1nlL‘~)
wav d(\\\’n than, say; a buck ut alone , ,, gum tnte the pmCc~s nl pavlng chums
~ ctlntwrltc lngh value wnudcn ~

bul]dlng7 ln the country 01’ ttght In bmldm N ,, and mzlklrlg a tea.enahle pmflt V and
kl.»\\ln7 Huw ahuut a ~pr|nklL‘[ systcnfl 5" t1'u~ 15 what ymlr atatex In~'Ilrt1n:l:
what .t the hulldlng/ houac n ulel — lt yuu Khlnk t1bl.»lll“wlw” rt1lc~ ate whzlt C()nImI~‘~l0ncr 15 ehatgeel nuth

hew ate th()»L' eleettteal wne~ lmldlrlg they ate, yuu hegtn tu ~ee how you ean Cnfnrnng 7 ennugh ptenuunt. tu pay
up” Ate the vzllllcs |n the atea gum}; eut down on yunt prcmlunh Cl:lIm~‘ and tnake a mzlsnnablc pmfil.
duwn — et up” (Yea, thete ate t1r~()rl ,, ,,

Aum ln~'IIrt1ncl_' nlt1kl:~ tt rcallv clczlrz llynu ate m~ur:lncca\\l:lrL‘ whcnyull
f'lrc~, unlettnnately> ~
age, age ul \'L‘1'u(lC, dL‘~Cnpl|()n et purc1'la~l1 a hunte, let 0}’ vehtele, yuu ean
Then, at coulsc, thcm’~ the euneept that \'L‘1'\I(lL‘, Costa! vuhlclu. se whteh nlzlkc Ch()I(L‘~‘ that ean ~avc yen ~0mL‘ $5
ne ln~umncL‘ company wt1nl~ tu \\’ntL‘ \'L‘1'\I(]L‘ wlll you he ln>|Inng. yeat axtetyeatl 5
2015 Issue: Alsnamafill . 19

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