Page 20 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 2
P. 20

Communications by/nhrl /spam
loln a sarely pelspecllve, guod naturally oeeulnng mctlmne from bulh lhe lnlelnel wllh a laundleed eye, but
eonnnlunleallons ale enlleal. llvesloele and eulnpusl, oll seeps and 1 ,..ll gs. gwlad on cm,..,.. cm. ,, ha
The "who, what, when, whnm sun spols, and ll should be olavlous lhal sh,“ mm ,, mu mud. mm,,..,mca.,,,..
and why" of any slnlallun lhal elvlllzallon's cunlnbullun to elllnale .,,dm,s R dnpmdm Nm,,pfll,m

eould cause dealh, lnlury, or harm to ehange ls lnslgnllleanl. compared to and um ml.,, MW, used ,0 have

lhe envuonmenl ox plupelly ean makr: naturally oeeunlng eallses of elllnale c,ad.l,,l,.y, mm day, may all , ml
lhe dlffercnte belween a near lnlss and ehange, anylhlng lnan has done or 1 do mean ALL , .aem .a me la have

a ealasllophe ls dolng ls, ln lhe agglegale, far less a .1“. and all appm l,.a,.ad, 11“.

we have an hmd ‘hf MW of an hm slgnllleanl. sald, lhele ls no doubt lhal rhele are
boy who ened wolf. After several ialse Does lhal mean that man should nul ‘}}:"":h“’1“’ ‘“° “b”'°‘““"Y ‘°“"‘““‘d
alal-lns, na une belleved hlln. And lhen do evelylhlng reasonably posslble lo ‘If; °:‘“} ’ P:‘“°“" ‘” “"‘ 5”” “‘
one day lhe wulf showed up. The same “ “‘ “ °" “"3 “CL

eould he sald fur Chltknn l.lllle 7 la l_ ‘ l U , , : , , , : . , e_ , , , when .. Coma, .9 mslaly, }..,“,m,,
exeepl lhe sky, as far as l know, never ”' > ~ ‘ A ~ ~ - ‘ ‘ - '1 ‘ ~ « * mo rnuflq m,,.,...,...m.,,,n ,. p,,,l,al,ly
felt _ E’ _.~ , je ‘) .a V — ,;r lllslenough. his lnlleh beller lo
Credibility is crucial. ‘ * ‘ * , * ’ ' ‘ ' ‘ ’ “ ‘ ‘ * :3’ somed-Inglafo-It‘; P‘-‘lt°““l“”)'

< . V\ l l. e angeruussl alan anllso

lhappen to bellevelhalellnlale ehange . if , ‘- , . L 11 : _ lelnaln sllenl and waleh an aeeldenl

ls ln fact aeeunlng. 1 do not, however, . e happen. The means of eolnlnunleallon
llelleve lhal Lhc human Contubullon ; v ,l~ 1 g L  1 \ 1 ' r ; ‘ 2 ; I T , I 2 ‘ 1 and llle ulgenev depends an llle

Io elllnale ehange ls slgnllleanl. . . , ,. , speellle elreunlslanees. You be llle
Consldenhalaslnglevo1eanu,Kilallea ‘  > p‘ ll: ,4 A § 3,, a ; _~ _j ludga ;(,,.,P,,,yW .,_,dmde_1-1,,..k
ln Hawall, elnlls about 2,000 lons of * 7 \ ' yr » ‘ about ll To use a football lnelaphul,
nnlallng sulrul dluxlde gas (soz) gas 4. , , l , , g _ L run wllh your head up. But don't run
eaeh day dllnng penuds of sllsaalned ‘~ l '« ‘ ’- sa » « ml, ,a.,-.a,,l

enlpllon. Tllat does not lnelude E f h ‘ .

olher undeslrable elnlsslons sueh as lnlllgale pollutlon and global \'\’l1r|'nlng7 ° ‘“ E 0'“ ‘ ‘"-

panleulales and ollleehpasslbly less k.I’\b~'olutL‘l),'Yl\{:3:‘l! As new leehnolalgy Mm [mm ,m,_,d/W, [)HM5A

n0X|U|I~ bill ~tlll green ollse, gases. eenlnesal al a e an eeonolnlea y W WSWIIS W mmm",5/ mm

l have no ldea how l<llauea lales ln :easlllle,lls1luuld be applled. Thal, IWm(“,5brgW_, M

lenns of ll~ slze as eonlpaled lo olhel however, does not nlean lhal alternative

valeanos and l dl.»n’l know how lnany Inchnologles should be sullsldlzed al

aellve vuleanus Lhexl: are al any glven the expense of runher mfimng (pun

Ill'|'|L‘ — but then: has ID be a lot, Do Intended!) Cxlsllng IcthnDluglL‘~ LL‘l lhc 
lhe ml1Lh.IfIhl:m are, at any glven marknt deeldel

 h g _h g nnnnn
< robabl cunsnnlntlve) 1nd l<llluel W “‘ d°“’ ‘” ""“ ‘° d” W‘ 5 
‘fan mg C Wang M‘Ddm ,\}am‘m eonllnunleallun7 Slrnpk‘. There ls so -.3

ls pulrlng fut 20U,‘0Ul)/tom of 502 a "“‘““ “'5” '"f"‘"“‘""“ "‘“‘ ”“"° ‘1““ 3 

( ,, lhe pllblle (and l eonslder lnyselr pan 0
day If soz ls only zu z, of lhe bad _ , — 2 7 5 3
,, , of the pullllc) sllnplv doesn [know N
stuff cmlttnd by volcano», that s who or what to bcfievc In the “old” 9 
over 1 lnllllon TONS of pullullun lhal ‘ 1
days, ls ll was ln Lhc newspaper, on a
oeeurs nanllallv eaeh and every day, ar 1 3 5 2 7 4
_ « lelevlslon, oz laughl ln sehool, It was 0

""“‘ day‘ “ Wm“ Add “" ‘h‘ ‘"‘°“‘ Gospel [dun'lknow abuulyuu but! '3 
“°"“°““”"“" ”‘° "“""“‘“““’°"‘ nolun ‘elsubsenloelo lnews { er and '

ans. slaaas thxuuglluul lne world, ,3 ’ ‘ P‘ P Ilflfllflfl

l don l watch llle nallonal news. luse
L! . alaaaa. S11 2015, !ssu¢2

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