Page 6 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 6

' iacllmes. ll 811 would work a. u wr1~ mvestrgate any damages relatmg to
O   - mlcndcd, rho would he a ”wln-Wm" for rmdergrorrr-<1 natural gas or hazardous
the cxtavaloxi and tlm ullllty upemlom. hqrrrds hues and true the lower, the
. The operator would be nollficd ahead excavator or the operator for any
  ' of excavzmun aclnrmes and would be tarhrres to adequately lareverrt larpehne
° able to send pemonncl lo the propuand damage
lab ~lle to ’'mark’’ the loeanon of lhe “"5 wk of mmcmm (mm a a,M_
Can I I 161' C B C ““<‘ergr°“"d farihtres‘ W there were a lose" alluauon belween loeaung and
. . ? Pmhlem vfith thefieeatrngr the ParLt}r‘es' cxcavaung, by not delernng rnnproper
a W1n.W1n _ emr war teget er to mmrmrze e conduct m both areas Thl~ dhcunncn
Possrhrhry of damage But that is a ..gnu'-leanlly enhanee. Lhe pnailbllltv
perreer sltuatlon, and Alabama doe. nut ‘hm ~nmE‘hl“g Wm lmppm (0 mm;
have the perteet system m Plaee a ~1tur1l|un that lnado to damage to lhe
gm“, yam agar Alabama W. ‘hs underground raerlrue. Lhc locate:
 ‘ need to ineorporale 811 Into llrerr may not complete the harate m the
 HDRWSC Pmvmm,“ Lawn and redurred um: fxamc, lhe lucatux may
‘ , cmatnd a"Onc-Cr1llCcnIL‘r"Io act a. a mat aeerrrately mark the taerhtres:
J — mpcwltury for all calls for 811 .-ervree. the operator may not send haratmg
Al tlm same lune, tlm ”Law” allowed Pemrrrrrrel to the lab srte m a trrrrely
T 3 opcratum that drd nol want to .o.n manner; the operator may not be a
1 H _ 811 to operale (hm! own eall cuntnn member of 811 and does not operate
‘ t r J.’ mdmkMa1,, at d,c,n,“,(c Pma,,,mg an cffnctlvucall eenler, Lhc excavator
‘T, ‘ . ’ Io cxcavallnn around lhcu faulltles may not homrr the hreate marks and
Thls r.- where «he "Wm-wln" sltualmn uses merhamzed eqmpmerrt wrthm a
Dywallxzelnuzs bc,,,,m, k,m,,,g and mM,,,,g loleranee zone; tlm nxcavatux may no:
Dlrzclnr, Gas Plpelmesafery Wm, ,0 a llposflble Wm,“,,,,~ O, R plaee a loeale reque.-l
Al.:b2ml:Pul2/lnszrvlce Commlsslnn ,. _ _ ,, _
possrble lose-lose srtuatrrm» By mat Even wlth rhe posslblllllci for damage
rneorporaung all unlrue. lnlo Lhc 811 ‘D undugmund mm“ ml M
system there rs a Wrd that rs Otter‘ Inherent |n (112 cunslrutllun zone. that
pxL‘~L‘nl when lhe Excavator doe. not get M bmmmg mm pmmrm, Cm},
rn touch wuh all tlm iaclllty opnralurs day mm b mu ‘he (‘mm W mm ‘D
wllhm Ihclr cxcavzmun zone Tlu~ hmm i Sm Wm “M Sam’), and a
mrght lead to a "hrse-hase” ~'rtrratrr=rr "Wm-wln” re.-ull ean be accumpllshcd
ezore the advent of B11 and when 111:: ereavaror damage. a utlllty ” the lmtm mmmh, mm the
”Call before you dlg", a "w|n- that was not lucatnd due to a rarlure (0 mm” and um MMM. hum
wrn~ ~1tur1l|nn wnh loeaung nonry Lhu utllny owner that wr1~ nol a mm mm and N due dmgflm to
and cxcavatlng nughl not member own. The nxcavatux rnrghl Mud damage to the mm“ W an
have been a rea.-onable amumpuon. gel lucky and be ln an area where M, mm, a aWm_“,ma appnmh ,,
Pcuplc were not as eduealed about all unlrne. are mcmbun of all and upmtm Emma” and low”. M“
lhe need to eall Lhc utllluno pnor to everyrhrng r. loealed pnor lo begrnnrng Wm mgcdm ,0 mm a“ mmm
hegrnnrng 2><cr1vatlon~ to have lheu work. Tluo doe. not happen often M mama, an Cmmm (mdudmg
underground structures located Aa enough |n Alabama, however. ‘ht Dpmm Pmmm, gm WEI“ bc
:;‘;':§:: The unued slare. congre.-. passed a drgsmg rm t1rerr”own{,aer1rtres> are
my a mum ’:uN_h’d_md M5“ to law ln 2015 that rnandared all amiss educated totht‘ rrght method at
"My ‘mdE;gmund “my wnm to have a urahle damage pmvcnuun ermdrretmlg exravatrrm praetr}e1es- Thrs
‘hm mmmm was about (0 ms Pmgmm Wu}, Cdum,,,,, and damflgn rnelude. tm undcxalandmg I at all
I I h - . . enroreernenl a. prunary factors for operators mrght not be members‘ of
p aee e am: to! err fr1ulml:~ .o loeaung an d dd‘ , 1,. gh }, I
acnrlcm eould be .eheduled. N‘ ““‘°‘1“"‘° P’°g”'“- Alabama “" “ ' ""““ ‘“ ‘ "" M "
W“, gamed ,,,m,q,,m bmd an be made to rnelude all iaclllty uwnnnv,
Along earne 811. Thls "oneaeall gets II the eurrenl "Law" by (h: Prpelrne and resveetrrrg other Peoples Property
all done" approach .eerned to he ]|I~‘! and Hazazduus Mammals safety when e><eavatmg-
what the ereaualor. and ulllity ownsh Admmlslrauon (PHMSA) of Lhc u.s. mg in “Wk mmd mkmg Alabama
needed to nnsun: eornplele eooperauon Dcpanmnnl of Tran.-porrauon (DOT). a ..Wm_Wma MC when H mm to
to avord underground damage to the srnee the slab: ha.- been dclcxmmcd lo mmmg '
he lnadlzqualu, lhls r1llow~' PHMSA lo
4 . Alabamasll 2015, am 1

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