Page 11 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 11

Press Re I e a se  It 
Nashville, TN; on January 1, 2013, Diggers
Hotline, lnc. (Wisconsin) decided that their
needs tor Parmership could be met by joining
. Progressive Partnering, Lnc. Ben Zweifel,
P vice president, appreciates the value that
PARTNERING organizations. According to Ben, "The
software was impressive, but the loyalty of the
Partners, the business continuity and the fact
Progresswe Pa rtnefm g, |nc_  thehsolftlhéare is bluiilt bay; O;-te galls for Qne
a s,” e pe In ma ng e ecision to JDIII
5"_m0'-‘"055 n_eWe5t P3 rtflerr _ the Partnership. Progressive Partnering, lnc.
Dlggers Hotlme, |nc_ (wlsconsm) is a sottware company created in 1997 by one
calls. The Partnership is now 12 organizations
with the addition of Diggers Hotline. "We
T are extremely excited with the addition ot
Diggers Hotline to our Partnership. They
understand the importance of Partnering and
I am confident that they will bring great value
T"'j"*— to our Partnership," said Bill Turner, president
ot Progressive Partnering, lnc.
Knowhat’s below.  
811 before you dig.
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