Page 19 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 19

on the locate ticket hy dning a iohsite gm}, 5, 1-,“, P;,,l,,,i,,. and map I was once told by my supervisor
walk through while on your walk g thatititwasn't documented, it never
through, confirm the location of access Temporary murkruss Pleeeei err the happened. It is important to docurnent
points you identitied on your prints lob-ette are ueuverhot eomuuuueeuo" anything and everything related to
Take a close look at the landscape to betgefin the loeater allot the excavator the Excavariun notice. Many locating
search tor topographical clues or utility W‘ t e eolor ulehoohulzt e tY_Pe et technicians take several pictures of
construction like trench lines, cmcksi Pruduet flowu-3 through the We their markings, as well as rnake written
patches or cuts in the pavement. A ognouhle Your l°mP°Y3¥);‘"“"l_<1“S»" documentation ot any changes relative
good visual inspection can also help  uld oltelalrty rtdeutus; t eésuuuteid to the excavntitm area shownon the
you identity other huried tacilities gor-zone ova um an Pa wuyo locate request, any conversations with
that may not have heen documented hr-es bur-ed In the drs area Other the excavator either on site or over

on yourprints. Be on the lookouttor Valuable uuermetreu you Could I the phone and any other clariticarions
any conditions that iaiight attect the provrde wrth your loo-er-on rrlark-ntzs that relate to intorniarion shown on
accuracy ot your locate like chain link cu-xl_d include size at h“EV type of hue the dig notitication. Many pipeline
tences, guard rails, guy wires and or l7|Pe muterteli as We“ M‘ the "umber operators and utility operators require
overhead lines that may interfere with of lures In a or-tale trer-ch or oer-durt a representative he onsite when

your lucnmble signal. And, as always, Peekese and Who owns the lure excavation is mking place near the

he on the lookout tor safety hazards or gm}, 5: Dwgk duck and mg," I,“ critical line. If your situation warrants,
ahnorrnal conditions that may impact we nutify the excavator that there is a
yoursatety. C I 1’ b m M 1 I cnldical line bufidhon Ll;fll’]Db 51:‘

a nersive eoenrueo »
5'?FM3k'3P13"‘“dW°Y“Y““' me;':u'2 twl(ean):lcuI%mcE.Asnlln2 :,",t:;;::§:.:,;,n*:,:i:,
P""" lncamr, ifs iml>ortnr_-t to take another conversation to include the date and
Ynu should also consider estahlishing look at your locate heket and Pr-nts time the rneeting will take place.
=tetremorteuunweowwn :3‘“:2%“:Y°“"“‘<;;e‘;e.f°:*“ Folluwing ta same routine Dn each
lucntmgone line atatinie lnorinally mes une ermnenr 1° s-:23 lobmmiumhedumsnmm

» t t. ' - tis -
twee-vvesoronmv §::::3E:y:;.m,c::g,::::;:,,, Themsknfllnelucaungmudl
1“b"‘“.'?“‘W“““‘““'“P‘°“‘Y9”“ .,, id kg . ,h I I more than simply knnwing how to
each uolitysystern hetorestarting on you: nu ‘ma sure 2 you ve D Em“ Elemmdm dzmmu
gm “Ext g.ymm_ Slrmgically depluy closed all lids, buxes or covers you Pe -
your signal transmitter and locate may have oveued duru-3 the lab and Bob Nlghswcmger I5 Mr President rmd
one line at a time when taced with a have retr-eyed all of your tools and CEO af utility Tmmmg Academy Bab
congested dig site or utility easement, eelurvrueut has We! 25 yeais 0]erpzm'rn.‘z iii tllzfizlti
deploy your transiaiitter away trorn the SN}, 7, Dnmmm, Wu, wmk and a] utility locating and damage yrrvenfloll
congestion and locate the line into the mmmumm my Mg,‘ Pmfik fadlfles For questions DY ctiiaiaeitts, E017 caii lit
congested area. ieacticd it tcili@iitasrarc;i.caia.

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2017, Issue a auaama 811 . 17

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