Page 7 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 7

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“H-Hg Ombu hm zupmm. Alung with the dzmunslrariun.
m..p.,,.dm and mM.,,,,. them is mlm'n1ztmn about pipelines
have the uppoltunity tn and ml-ierzmund ‘3§‘1“‘59»"v Pfvdurt Mock Line Strike
m,2,.;e,,Ee hm hand wgm pmperues, zesponsa mfammnon

it is 11112 when excavation equipment and 10631 gas am? P‘PE1|“9 ope-‘am-' schedule

him an underground lanlity. Alabama =_<‘m-1<'_I“‘<‘!mah°n- Th? art“-11 mark . Octal):-1 3, m7— Binninghmn, A1
3114,. “ACT (A,_,b_,m 1,v,Pe,m line srnks d2mun.~'lrarion mu allow

Aw_,_.e,,e,._. c(.,,,,e,,,m~.3 r,a,.,;..gJ attendees m axpeneace .1 muck natural - Or!-vhv 5. 201/ ~!‘«1<m!x<'m£1-y. AL
Pr(\g'ran1 will has! five mock line slnke S35 11“ Sink? »~'h<M1nsU)'h-1”-aprexls . Quake, 1,,’ my, M,,,,,~,,, AL
d,3m(.,,Sl,a,k,,,,. d,,,,,,g the ,,,,,,,L},_ when a natural gas has Is struck wnh

mechamzed e\:a\v.1tiDn equipment - army 17, 212177 Tusmlaasa, AL

“#7 We *=\"=mbn'ng»~' firs} f€»~‘P°“dEY5: and what steps need a: be taken inlhe _ 0 I b N W” D t “
Ixtllmes.2xc.1vzturs,n1Ixn|npaland ,,,,mEd,a,E af,mmLh_ W r 0 2' ».- — rm um
county personnel tugzlhsr «a lake V

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mew framing DI a staged lanlity lme res-sler Iur tht Pmsmm xv-wrest yan-

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2017, Issue 2 Alanunva s11 . 5

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