Page 3 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 3

from the desk of
s larger quandnes oz iaclliries are placed underground,
/ All heeomes more difficull for needed Excavariun to be
, g / performed and nor lmpacl Lhe exrsung raeilules. Teehnology
yr l _ ‘ eonllnues tn rmprove ways to assrsl m mmmuzrng lhe nsk. vaeuum
.9 ': , l Excavation rs one of lhmz leehmques A vneuum extavalur IS a
E “I ' large veluele used in eon.-lrueuon that u(lllzl:~ n powerhrl vaeuum
,- y to remove heavy dcbns and malennls hom an excavation hole By
, _) hemg able to remove these malennls, zxisllng fanlltlcs enn he localcd
and rdenmred Io aequue an even he-uer wozkmg knowledge of whal
zaerlrnes need to he worked around dunng (112 exeavauon process
The use of vaeuum nxcdvatlng can take rdenurying lhe loeanon ui
underground laerlnies even a slep runher Lhan marks on «he ground
& Pi» AI mid-year, Alabama is sull expenenelng r1nlncrer1~cln Excavation
‘ aehvuy over last year's record growlh us-mg sare praenee. such as
1“ conlactlng an, grvmg lhe fanllty owners lhe proper amount of lune
1- to mark the dppmxlmatlz faclllty loeanon, using leohnology 7 such as
vacuum extavallng lf more delarl lnfnrmzlllon l~ needed, and usrng safe
exeavanon pmtllces, lhe chance of damagmg an underground facillty
Is redueed. common Ground Alllance (CCA) research shows lhal by
tonlactlng an pzlor to nxcnvatlon, lhe ehanee of damagmg an underground
ianlity reduced to less than 112, It ls a sale bet «hm by domg the olher key elemenls of sale
drggmg we can move even closer to the goal of ZERO damages.
ln t1u~ edlnon of Alabama 311 Magazrne, lhe spolllghr is on Vacuum Exeavauon to share the
leehnology, Its benems and the advanlnges of usmg Lhls opnon when needed ln lhe ongoing
ercorl to keep Alabama n sate plaee to live and work.
Armcne Rebum
e nmrr Dlrruur
/llnbullm S11
2017, Issue 3 Alabama an . 1

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