Page 13 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 13

destructive excavafiun and utility locate teehnologies, can reduce project costs. Oi murse, in addition to the trailers.
inethods are cunsldemd Best Practices Accmding to the study, titled "Cash there are truck vars and eoinpanies
in inost states " It‘s also less invasive Savlngs on Highway Pmlzcts utilizing who provide the varuiini excavation
and causes less surface damage, traffic Subsurfatz utility Engineering," servites tor the excavator.
disruption and iinpart to surtaee every $1 spent on siilisurtaee utility . . . .

activities Most utilities ean be quickly engineering (SUE) can result in $4.62 in f‘ ‘ "““ '°"d"“"5 “"5" ‘he ‘f“““'5"
and efflclenlly uncnvsred Evznsmnllel, cost-savings. ' ‘* “‘°'“ ““ "gm °‘““."‘”“ fsffh
more tomplnx utilities such as iiber- . "mum °?‘”“"‘ °'.‘ Eq'."P"'e" .a

1 d M _ b I I d some have said thatthevaruuni site, cleeningupdireetionalboiing
°"““ ‘““"“ ““ “““" ° °‘“ exeairitornn.-nothin more than dull sites urwclrkln ustalieadot
with precision, resulting in redueerl risk h. 11‘ I ‘h 1 BE; ‘Dd , Lh ’ H 3' _. H‘
umamflgm a ig cos . uve. u in ays eexcavn onerewexposing e
world, the cost ot a utility damage can underground utilities.

Locatlng utilities via vacuum easily exceed the cost oi the unit itselt. .

zxcnvatlon can also result in several types of vacuum zxcnvaturs are "’°P"‘Y “"P“5"‘3 “'9 ““°‘“3’°“““
substantial ms! savings. Purdue availalile mdudlnga trailered unit that ‘“f"""“““’““' ‘'‘‘'’°’‘““‘‘‘’” ‘°‘
universitys Depariinent ui Building can be toured behind a truele a .-kid- °f '°“*"°“"' 5"‘ FEM?‘ ‘he mm‘
Conslructiun Manegernent published mounted unit that can lie rnounterl to a ‘"‘P‘‘"‘“‘ ‘“S‘’" ‘S “‘ "““‘° "‘"“’

. . . . employees wlll sately return hoine
astiidy demiling hovvlae.-tpraetiees truck uratmckzd vehirletorusein the I (11 i .1. uh d f h
in zxcnvatlomincluding vnruiirn plpelinelndusrry l:ng?O::“;a‘;”@ "“ “ '3“
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