Page 7 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 7

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1aha...a 211, m well as sa.c.y prL‘~2ntauon and demonstration
mulupln mhc. lutal a..h..a. w.1~ born. 1.. 2u1e,a prrsmnlatxon was
were an granted pL‘rm1~s|un brought to .h.- .-.a.Iaa.s along w..h a
to return .a Columbia dcmonshauon of samax pieces of largc

E1m.aa.a.y School ... Mam.-an, L’qu|pmcnt. 1. was a gmal s....u.s.

Alabama m 2017 .9 dnmunslram Lhc 1.. 2017, an effort was made .a s.cp .. up

Impoztanu: .ha. ha... on 0... a notch, ~u .ha1o.a1a..h...s brought an

every day 1...‘.-, and how an pxays ~ucl1 |hc sam. aqa.p....-a..hcya.a1.h zone,

a v|t.1lzulcm pm|L‘:l|ng .ha.... but upped the ante w..h a 1l}0’buum

M.s. Chen, a 5th grade sc......- .....1.. ms ~pL‘:|aclc was p.u.u...u.1 .a

and wcxal ..-a.h.a. a. cah....h.a .ha 135 cluldmn ... the am. grade.

Elemcnlary has bum Cnlcung he. Each uuhty was given a s.a..o... .

students’ artwork ....a PHMSAH A. each ~tauon a a..h.y took the N

spoasama 211 was... c.....a.. .hc pas. oppurtllnity to explain Lhc ~v:rvicL‘ they ,

few years and hm lmd (In: honor cf pmvldlsd, ~1\uwc.1~c (hm: cqlupmunl ‘

havmg a aa..aaa1 wmncr among ha. and cxplmn why an was |mpurlant to

former .-.a.1.a.s as well as samal .h.a. pazucular uulny sanm.

others who placed A. the end of tlm mlaung ~'t.1l|on~,

Ax... [naming ui ha. panlnpatmn .a an 135 am. gxadch, .1~ well as

.ha PHMSA p1.»~tu' cams. and 1..-. appn3x|maIL‘ly 200-300 mom oi the m taadung s...a1..... aha... elnmnmary .studL‘nl~, gatlmmd for a

saz.-.y a.aa..a1 unduground .a..h..cs, m........... rump, ending w..h a few

Alabama 211, as well as the 9.1..-.h..a1 wurd~ M..-. c....- and the punclpal,

a..h..cs, felt they s1.oa1a do mum for M2. Hm. M. Hm then demanded

.ha.. group Las. year the Idea cf a

co/vn/VUED 0N page g
2017, 155.122 Alabama 511 . 5

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