Page 17 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 17

Many stakeholders tell the single whether a monetary line, a nnn- alleged viallxtimls?
§?§’?§ZiZI‘r°§§§$;‘§a“e§f”§§.?.L“§ZIZ§“° $"t§Z‘t“v'i.‘i’fe"r"..',‘u’e‘3i’t2f?fi”;§Z5‘°“ ‘*h"=N=°W= 
were conitortalile with  deficiency ooniphanee. The PUCO is tasked 1. Although the entoroenient

and getting them to give up that level with cummunicntmg this decision provisions passed in December 2014
oteomtort was rliitieult. ln addmun, and in.-unng that any required and became zfleclive in March znls
there are provisions or the law that are documentation is submitted, lines are they did not beeorne "a:uv2” until

lett unentorced, allowing them to he collected and the results are reported Ianuary 2016. The level tit awareness
settled in court as necessary. However, back to the UTC. that was raised rlunng that one year
the eoalition did address the larger . . . . erluoation period saw large numbers
issues, the ones that created significant WI” ”"""‘I" II" """"Ig“"""" ot ~tnk2}ioldezs muvmg to insure
portions or the damages we were The investigation is conducted by their organizations eomphanec with
seeing. ruco start as a ”desk audit.” The the law. Many changed their internal

. . complainant and the Respondent ore polieies and training programs

since this revision was the second to . . .

work together on the arst, this process . _ . . * * ‘

M ED mm ‘hi Maud teel is relevant while the parties law.

time. still, it tuck over a A z_ uheerthmty at the
vearvid-saw-vnbefvre H4I|l(‘| III |\ \lI||{(‘|l(>|1l(‘l’\ entmmen-ems»
the revision was rlratted, » specifically and how it

1 t f: ttr — . r ‘ » - . — ,

;‘2g‘j;;u‘vjP§ffl‘mp;;'Q5““' \\HI I\ I ll}; lHf_'(‘l hm \\ Ilil “°"'**rf‘°°*°“ _
and a lot or eleventh hour _ I _ I I , ~ I I I I. I - ~ I _ I 3- Obgnoufilye a learning
phoaecaiistogetthe .lli- |_\ ill. to ,_tl \lllll (II we tart-2».
final mm-W passed I I . r I - I I I I I I 4. [think in some
Hmmwamm if; I\ .1 I IHII |ltl\\(1 .l in \Hl1l In casesauaitryroatraetor
mmmmuandhaw I I U_ ‘I . U  I I I H I I I  I ma}fT|otw}I‘sh>Ioal|2nat2
Iallgrfiilitmkefay K ,,( Ill], llH\\ ]( l( ttlll It II( I "lI‘I‘I“YW Dmlwa
the committee to be . . . . I “ ‘°"I'

appointed? I will I |l(‘ 0| I Ul‘|\ ill I how \\ Ilu iroam-iitheamrmrttee
Then we ,7 membm V . . deter-miiie iehether _
.,,n,..ett,,,,,. Il.l\t- l)('(‘ll \II( t (‘~~I III I II I I14‘ ovnonhegragvemxs
ditierent industry groups. I  , I, I . I 5"‘”"/"I
Avpointnient ot the DIN 4‘\\' \(‘il l‘\ !(‘|‘(‘ |* 111! oursuccesswill be

full zwuv lwk We! 12 I '. ultimately measured
"'°"'h~ ‘mm '1“ dm‘ llt‘<‘t‘~\il I‘: I V :1 lwsi \\'zl \, In I I byehoimmlredua-on
Er-mmenthand mug}-ly ~ - ui utility ineidents that
tour rnont s attert e , . . ‘ . —r are detined whhh. .ho
committee became I I I I I I I \ I I “ I I  ‘ current law It we have
imfially acfiva no cases to hear because
T0 mm’ mm do you all is going smoothly, we
thiiih were/are the most rlxfficultl are weleonie to attend the meetings M1152 happy
imyortaiit steps the mmmiffee tank? (which are pufblicr of course: Lherei}: D“ you In,“ m,yf,»,mI ,,,Wg,,,5

. . . = mi-many -mug! 2 or arfvicefay olherstates wha are
The committee l~ still dzvzlupmg "° I’§"'”'°§ fr-. I, d I I . .
Qhythm in X‘: disclijiadions aid in its Ifidesk mm * 5 effmwe damage V"5W"'“"' rmgrrmn
ecmvrw ~'or 0 In-mt-gt e pwver while a diihcult proeess, we met tor

documentation ironi the complainant How many alleged viallztians have went ye“. H, ,,,,m,5.Ed pmhml

and the Respondent has been difficult. be£nbrI2p;r‘fie7d sniee the program was .,,,;,,g .0 Wm D... the Spmhcg that

, - I . _.

Your prngmm is complaint drarerr, '5 “ ‘S ’ "redid “=l"=',"8 :0 Wfflhiddmlatlvzu
yjxht? so tar, fur the year 2016, we are in agrwrgen Pr-Dr 0 »~- ng own wn \

I I mdp. at mughty 35.4,; mm A tow the legislature. we were also luoley that
Yes complaint» in filed thmush the mg, M “O, mnmm In H lEg“‘matE we had champion. ot our cause in both
Public utilities commission of ohio. mmpmnl mmfing In me In“, Wm the Ohio senate and the ohio House.
what is the committee; mle t,. the oonimunioated, but not referred, to the Th-S Proves» did vrevént any male

shareholder trom getting all or what
eri/oreerriertt process? UTC
they wanted but overall got us what
The UTC decides whether a violation What are your thnughts ab-wt what we needed tor a sater environnient .
of the law occurred and assesses izpw-"5 f-7 '1! 1' ‘"1" ""m'’" ofrtxwrfe-1
2017, issvee Alabama eii . 15

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