Page 16 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 16

 . , " -,‘t,'{§§‘;’<1,,i “V “ .,_{+,_,,., ‘  - I»-§‘\'t\ '4 his arriele is ihe iirsi in a series oi arlicles that

i , 1 ‘I-.__t.'(s";,'.”.1 ’P\;‘ _:._i ‘H: -3‘. M - . _; proposes to locus on how scales have responded
‘(Iii ‘ "-i‘ ,l ,,,tj,_r,, r 3: ‘ , ’, , , I J,’ ; T A V ‘r wiih success to ereale a slronger and more

‘ 1 L1, , ‘ilixim 1 - ‘I ‘ A g F: » ‘ I I eiieerive damage preveniion program ai ihe slaie

_.r. ,‘ ,5, eve.
Z‘ ' L. ' .5’; Hopefully sialreholrlers working logeiher who are
7 -4--:0
_‘ ». Irymg lo g€[~l|'l1llflYl2ghlaUOh passed anrl seem to be
is}; ; ~ . gelling nowhere can beneal irom ihe eiions of lliose who
I 5 ‘ ' ' _ ‘ have been successiul in ihe pasl iew years. There is not
0 h '0 3 D a m a   a i,e..wav, on them .. a way.
_  _ ; rm often asleed for my opinion as lo which siales have
P  no n 5 N ' _ ., U ihe besl program. while there are several scales wiih
1* programs that are eneciive, [would hesilale to idenliiy
1 . one as being besi.
 a m I n c I u  l would encourage you to work logelher as siakehololers
- _ to build a slronger and more eiieciive program. Don't ius-l
“ include chose who agree WU}! you, far you wlll surely cross-
I] O ['6 e m e I] V the path of iiose who don't oerore you ge. to the sraie
_ _ _ capilol building
 ‘_ ‘  Educale lliose stakeholder groups along Lhe way.
' ' *' r - . changing behaviors and/or euliures reoiiires vision anrl
H V paiienee, but also a plan. lhear, "It is not possible tn gel
— '— ' ihal done in our slate," and I respond ihal H is being done
V, 5 pr every day by ihose who thought It couldn't be done

_. ‘ " d l. The queslions below were siibmiiierl to Joe lgel. Mr.

' ' ‘ lgel, recenlly reiired as vice presidenl of Lhe ceorge 1.

3 lgel gr co, liic, a 107-year old famlly business, where he

I served in numerous rleparimenls ior over 35 yer1r~‘, mosi
-»»_ I ' i ll'Hlt1,Si€&Ed I . ll.H
2 ?‘ A>V;''r. s _  ea i a ty ucaionaswe as uriian
: - - 4  ' ‘V’ 8 ‘ ix‘ He has been -'lEl|VClnI1'12 Ohio Uliliiies Protection
 _l._ I .‘  -.-_ service for over 15 years, as a eornriiiilee member prior
T, ,- R‘; l j., ‘-‘~=‘= io being elecierl as a iruslee represenling ihe excavaiion
\" ' , - -7 induslry and has served as secreiary to the Board, chair
_\ /,/‘ . —\ - -. i 5 '1 and on numerous eornmillees. He has been aelive in

' rj, , ' ‘ , ' ihe cenlral ohio Damage Prcventlolx council, a CCA

; h g y ,‘  v I l . _ ’; Regional Paririer, also serving as iheir presirlenl. He has
(4 , ' — ,4 rs» ~« 3' r-s- been aelive in ihe ohio coniraelors Associaiion, lhe ohio
7‘ ‘ ; '3 1;} '2] chapler of Lhe American siibconlraclurs Association, llie

..  .~ * -,  I Builders’ Exchange ofCentxr1l ohio, and co-chair of the
 4!‘ , »‘J’};I é, . Ohio Underground Damage I-reveniion Cozlllllun, which
W‘ e 2.. . , 4!  '., worked to improve lhe legislarive environineni in ohio
— » iv" -i ' . _ and recenil hel erl secure a second sel oi le lslallve
, un, ( ,, y P 3
-  v _' ,5: ,5; improvemenls in ihe dig laws in ohio. He currenily serves
" P‘   1 as a member oi ihe underground Technical coinniiuee
. i . é ’ .
-" , ~ 4 - < ‘  (UTC), chargerl willi enforcing the receni revision to
I ", (‘he i 4 1,‘. - fr Ohio“ law
i _.i‘ i«-.'
 — : [_ ,.  when was OIxia’sdigIn1J/passed.’
‘ _ The law Lhal we are currenlly operaiing under is a
‘ revision, aclually ihe second revision, to the original Lhal
dales back|o19B9 The law was updaied lo mflecl new
iechnologies and inierpreialions in December 2012 The
enioreemenl provisions were passed in zmsl anrl enacled
in 2015, allliough llie UTC was not ”~uat2d" unIIl]anur1ry
can you siiaimarire me steps in getting use enforcement
!? »_,_,Hr _ ,i~ ymvisian passer: aiirl haw Yang me ymress tank?
' _,i . ' Q _ _s ,
14 . Allsbamxsll 2017 !ssu:2

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