Page 3 - Alabama 811 2017 Issue 1
P. 3

from the desk of
 ... ct-..t..-rattan
here is a great deal that can be said about the past year and
what was achleved during 2016 in regard to brealdng reeords,
/ challenges and aeeompltshments. lt was withuul a doubt a
t very busy and productive year. some key tarts to note from the year
t s / include:
V I ., t
3 -: , ; - At least seven rerord bmakmg days during the year
t * fl
I I - A 227., tnerease tn eall volume ovez zuls, wlttelt was largest
J peroentage tnerease in more tltan 20 years
- First time to proeess over 500,000 lorate requests tn a year
- Proeessed on average 47% of loeate requests vm the web portal 7
with some days being 50% or more
Q .\ - Maintained average answer time of under 20 seconds
‘ 1.’ - Moved entire sottware platform to a eloud based redundant system
_ ‘_ - Held the iirst eyerAlabama Locale Rodeo as part of the Damage
Prevcntlon Summit
- Presented to, or was tn attendanre at, tradesltow and edurattonal nvnnts
that reaelted nearly 16,000 tndttrtduals during the year

Alabama 811 was able to meet these milestones without having to tnerease staff or tnerease
eosts to our members while still matntatntng a standard oi good eustomer sertrtee.

ln addition to these operational mtlestones, Alabama 811 start was |nvol\'I:d tn mtttatttres suelt
as theAlabama one-call Nottiiratton system study commtsston establtslted by Cuvtmor
laentley in 2015 to address a ieasibility stttdy of membershtp of all underground facility owners
in a unttied one eall system, effccllve znioxcemnnl and other underground damage pmvznllon
tntttattyes The commtsston has spent numerous ltours rzvllzwing and developtng a proposal
for effnctlve enioreement and reytewtng the pros and eons of membershtp requirements.
Alabama 811 stair has also been lnvulved tn statewtde (315 programs, regional and nattonal
one rall tratntng development grottps and other kcy areas of shared tnterested tn damage
prevention eflorts

As Alabama 811 eontinues to build a strong and cffncllvc program with a fncu~ on quality
eustomer serviee and operation tntegnty, we always leeep our stghts set on our purpose ui
ensunng a mic! eommuruty for those W1'1DI1\'I: and woxk tn Alabama. we always appreetate
the support of tlte exeavattng lorattng and faclllty owntng rommuntttes who work alongstde
us daily to ensure that goal ts met

As we embarle on 2017, we eontinue to see a growth in the number oi loeate requests romtng
tnto tlte B11 eenter Hold on to your ltats 7 it ts looletng to be another amazing year tn the

Altvrcnc lzamtm
trttattot utrrttttr
/Uubtumt S11
2017, lane 1 atatatma an . 1

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