Page 21 - Alabama 811 2017 Issue 1
P. 21

- Pliysical mnke-up of Lhe line slnaring common bond with uilier lines adlustmzms and lrylng again tn see lf
. . in the area and any lop.-rcle melallic your problem is solyeal.
- Proxlmlty of splices, lees or lurns .
olnecls. These srle fzlclnrs may mlerlere
alepenrlmg on syslem with the mngm mi /0! Shape Ofym Tmubleshootlng prolrlem locales
. . . lakes palrence. wuli so much at siake,
- Luczltlcln of top side access prunl(s-) lucatnble signal held on your mrgel a hm W "wk D“ the mmd ii
“’ ““‘“‘3’°“"“‘ WEE‘ “"9 "“°‘ unaocegptiaialz especially 5‘; congesleal
Reason - con.-rderllne size nnrl lype of line uulily cor-rirlors Line locnlors who
‘lfld,ld’ ln lb’ .-li k ln

'“5°“‘“g "““5- and depth of line and if u.e target line Duly" un llne ground are nol helping

- l<eepm mlndlhatthezzmlghlbe is physically aliaclreal lo anollier lme al nnyone.Tlreselypesololeclaralron
mm; dagmni causes ,9, the ,,,0i,1,3,,. a common pornl marks cunhlse ercaynlors and also

W, M ,3x,,e,,E,.d,.g and mmi cause them to lose faith In llne enore
possible soluiions or each possible 7: call before you this pwceas» it you have
cause. Take action by using the process I yO U //7 a Ve a a dxfficult lqcate at hand. ye“ shwld
of eliminaliun, beginning with llie mosl . . own It- Nut-fy the emvatvr of the
logical currzclive aclon or ael,u..-lrnenl C] / ff] C U / t / Q Ca te un-decenable }me ur d-maul: .--t_-mt-an
to overcome the mo.-i logical cnuse oz and get them -I-valved and ask -t they
llie problem. After taking correclive can help solve llie puzzle. Damage
,W,u,.,G,m,,.,. W at hand, you ,,......... ......n..r responsibility
.9 me if you fixgd the p,,,i,1E.,., Dmr, . and men lakes ieamwork. Be a guod
Dvezthink ill slarl with Lhe simple 5 /7 O U I C’ O Wn I  damage Prevent-un partner and ask tar
checks and zqulpmenl adluslmenb and help when you need -t- W

gu [rum lliere, eliminating one possible

cause al n lime umil a sululron is inund « Bob Ntxhswnxev Is the Frestrtmt W C50

Take Action
, I 9/ ullllly TY/lmlng Al‘/ll1em_l/. 301171115 o12vv25

' C““"d°’ 5'“ “°“d‘“"_“‘ ’“d‘ slarl wlih ihe most likely cause and years ufexpmml-e m ”1Pf1Il1j0flA(lllf_1/]D[M—
es e°"d“et“"*,v 0‘ W" ‘Ive em‘ proceed lrorn there using lne pmcess mg ma dlmlzlge arrmrlm. For morn...
9}“ F"“d“‘“"“Y "‘ ‘h? °‘“‘r V"“?‘ of elimination. Dun’l overlook are D! mmmmls, Bob L‘/VI! be mzthed al blrb@
'"‘‘'°“‘‘°"5 ‘" “"2” °‘ “WY b“"°“ obvious. Take aciion by making lmzsmrrh com.

lures m ilie area lliai may or may nol be

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  llanlaaofl urmnvalmnn lmlmm mm usalmmm pmraml wumrlnssm
I“ “E lmalnallmnupnnn. Evan fill gmum W3 hum and llsh uncan be allacmd. ‘
Vlsll us at hunllnglnlheshcksmnm
2017,1591: 1 sum... an . 19

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