Page 11 - Alabama 811 2017 Issue 1
P. 11

lntnnnnl hennttg. may Insult tn rcvhlsd Upon mtclpl of the Notlcc ofC<ll1Ics'l, - Make .-atety an Important pntt ttl
cIlatI()n~ and Induced pcnzlItlL‘~ the rtle t. g|vL‘n tn the oeettpattennl ynttt ettntpany’. enltnte and every lob,
Hewevet, Contractors and ul|lmL‘~‘ satety and Henltlt RC\'lL‘W C()|'nmh~l0n.

should elently undcrslzlnd that tr they The cnnnntm-ten I~ nn lndcpcndunl ' "“’P““3’ ‘“““ “'1 P”‘°"""‘

agxvsc tn -ettle the (am, they letrett agency net t1~M1clatcd wtth OSHA - U~'L‘ the nppmpttnte mfcty

the nghl to contest the cllilkmn and et the federal Depattntettt of Labor, eqntpntent and c0n~trucU(\n lcchnlqucs
prbpnscd penalty. The \/l()L1l|()n wlll and tt wtll a.-ngtt the czlsc (0 an [or every ta~k.

al~() lte plzlccd nn the Contractor's Anlnttntntnttve Law Iudgu who wtll

OSHA teeeml, and Could be used tn the schcdulc a henttttg. The tuelge may ' “ Y°“ ‘““ "“““""'“ "b"“‘ "'-‘W ‘°
ba~l~ rnt a rcpnatl/|()L1ll()n, tr a nnnlat uphold, nntdtry, et eltnttnate any h""‘“° “ d““S°"’“* ""“““’“r "°““ ”‘*‘
\'mlatmn h cllcd wtthtn n tltteeyeat ttetn oi the Cltatlon et pcnalty the MP “‘ °"‘“"‘ W1“ “" "‘°“‘ ‘““““'“
pcrlod entplttyet ltn. chzlllnngcd. once the ‘'V“}‘ P'°P*" ““‘*“3’ P“’°*““"“*>
otthcotand '““‘Y‘“F”“:'°j"“3;"‘P“f‘Y_‘°:‘f$f“ - F-mllvt xwvuhavcavwblcm
clasilfics thenn aw‘ mettett.-1' Rcpcal «‘ ‘PP an ms mam“-

appropnatc us. Court u[Appcal~. _
\'mlatmn~‘ alnmal zlIway~ rcflllk tn nntte Dmd DOW ,5 n,,fl,,M,, U, 1‘r‘y”(]/fl 5”“, /
mete pL‘ni\IUL‘~ cttntten. can cvcn be what is 3 "Shake Han" Slam? ,,,,1 5,t},,,t,, , M, W, Hf u,,,t,,X,,.,t,,t1
clzlsilficd i\>"W1UfII1/Etlmlnal," and V V V _ ‘ ‘ 5” ,, 5 ,,; ,,,,L.,,,, Ltg , M “,5
mm-rm‘ chars» can be filed «Emmi a T'"""’ 4'“ C ‘mm ‘M Pum“ Rm’ t'\'{fllf;,'l!/1{Jll) in/tlfv prlvlitlds fll){:}:tA'l nlee
cvor-Imctvr or '“‘I“)’- “d"“""‘” W" “W” "“f""’ “"" h‘'‘‘"‘ to (mull AK!/U7) 'Ao'lI'm‘Itm /1H1Hfl[Il
pmgIam~, and ate teletted te as‘ "State * , " , ,’ ,‘ V

Notice ufCunt£5f 7 Anyllmc Wnhln 15 Plan" ~‘IE\KL‘~.T1'|C.\C ~'lnkl:~ mII~t adopt ‘'j'’’F’”’’'“‘' 7”" "*‘/"f"""‘*‘ ‘” ’<""‘“‘
working days nltet teeetpt ox ettntten. standzlrd~ and enrtttee ICqulrl‘rnL‘nl~ ‘KY’ "’,"" ""/"Wt" W’ M“"”"”‘ W"
and ptepttml pL‘n:lItlL‘~, the Contmtlor that nte at least as ~mngcnk a~' “*’“"”“t f“”’ t ‘V’ ”' L*’”" "Wt "kl
haw‘ the nghk te rtle a Nottee et Conical. the Icdural rl‘qun”CmL‘nt~‘ M<l~'t1.»i 5"” W‘ ""4 ”""'r “'“’ 5"" '‘’””'“”t

A eepy ttt the Nettee ttl Conlcik m|ht t1'lL‘~c alzltm havu nnttlnt |n~‘pcClmn 7”“ ”"""X’”""" 5"f"—" E”''‘’’’''‘'‘'’,

be given tn the cn1pIoycc’~ mllhoxlzud pm(CduID~ tn reaetal OSHA. !"“1""'* *"’“>*/ ""’“’ “fl“'P"”"'; "W
tetate.-entnttve. tt an etnptnyte F G d 0 ‘ “”"}f“l W’ WV "Wlx= W
bmgmmng mm am "M cm, H mp), nr 3 on u ennte . . . 1L'u'tb.TI(’Vl[’lSIlfA'ly mm tn ‘IL'ultL/

er the n(\U(L‘ must be po~'tL‘d tn a l3e p!()—aCU\‘L‘ and keep atndlsnh rmnt ””d"’«"“""d5”"’” M” U
ptenntnent lotatlon tn the vmrkplacc OI occurnng tn the fin‘! place. How?

glvcn to eneh etnplnyte.

Know what's below
Call Alabama 81 1
Before you dug!
>\l>l:,tllV‘td N EL ha‘ gen  UL ldl 

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