Page 10 - Alabama 811 2017 Issue 1
P. 10

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CQNflNUED FROM p‘Gg 7 rrvmun anllbelp Intake I/1KPIUL£5s 14.9 MIJIIIIHJ 115 I: pmstblt»

How to Handle osl-lA Inspections should accompany the oiticer. Do not - Make a list of employees the

1m like YD“, OSHA Compliance 11:1/2hC2)rf:cl:rID tour your iohsite by compliance ottrcer interviews
ottrcers haveaioh to do They ’ ’ ' - Asashowotgoodtaith,
appreciate common courtesy, and they - Answer all questions truthfully, immediately shut down machinery or
respond in a positive manner when but do not volunteer any infnrmatlnn. equipment that the otacer says does
they see a sincere commitment to Avold making statements that might be not meet OSHA standards.

satety. Fullnwmg are a tow suggestions construed as an admission of guilt, and .

that may prove helptul in handling an do not speculate as to how an accident C““‘“5 C“""’“"‘“

inspection occurred. ln most cases, once the inspection is

C . . . . completed, the compliance oiticer
- ourteously greet the compliance - Explain items that the compliance _
ottrcer and introduce yuurself. otticer does not understand or ‘”"" M‘ “ 5"“ C'°‘“‘E C°“"“““‘“'
‘ t_ b I d I The ottrcer will review the alleged
- Requesland examine the ottrcer's "“”‘“ “W” “' “ ° ““ “'5” violations wnh you. You should take
credentials, and ask the scope and written notes so that you can intorm
reason tor the visit Ask what ]nbsIt2 . your satety director or coordinator
records the otiacer wants to review I )0 H171 f.: l \ K‘ I ]I(‘ of the results occasionally, aclosing
Determine which workers and . . , ,. conterence wtll he postponed until
company otticials theotticerwantsto ( ttlllpl lt‘| l|(‘(‘ 0| I l(’(‘l‘ -heComplianceofi-cerdiscueseethe
interview. , inspection with lus/her superiors.
- If you have any reason to suspect I 1 N‘ ‘“ ( V“ I" .‘ "" 1 Employers Righls Fnllnwing an OSHA

that the compliance otncer is not , ‘ r. , lnspection

legitimate, call yourOSHAAma ottice ‘l‘” ”l“‘ "I ""1 “.53 - Momulflmifl 7 Em ID EMWVE
and verity his/hercredentials . .3’ P V ’ .

the nght to an intormal hearing with
- Explain to the compliance Officez the OSHA Area Director tollowing

that your company's policy regarding - The compliance orticer will receipt ot a citation and proposed
OSHA inspections requires that you Probably take notes, photos, videos, penalties. The alleged violations,
immediately contact your main office and measurements. You should do the any penalties, and /or abatement

Your companys satety director or same ln fact, it is a good idea far you requirements can be discussed. The
coordinator may want to be present to take multiple pictures or videos trom OSHA Area Director has the authority
during the inspection, in which case the same and different angles. to enter into a settlement agreement
you may request that the omcer wait _ Du mu give um Cumpumm Offim that could revise the citation and/or
until he/she arrives he _ _ penalty. ln most cases, the OSHA Area

access to yourdocument storage D ‘D V.“ fihowdmum an M
- litheosmtcomplianceoiticerhas Provideonlythosedocumentsthe V“ ’“‘ . P V.
_ . _ evidence,includingpicturesorvideos

a warrant, or insists upon proceeding ottrcer specir-ically requests And make .

with the ins ection lretore our ~'1f2ty a photocopy Df each document hetore R“""“”‘“g “'9 ""‘d°““° may "*1?

*P Y i‘ . the company make a mure intormed
director/coordinator arrives, you turning them over d . . .
ecision regarding settlement of the
S . Alubamasll 2a17,!ssu:1

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