Page 17 - Alabama 811 2016 Issue 4
P. 17

_ industry experts offer
education on best practices,
damage prevention and
improving public safety
through sessions and sunimits
that address your concerns.

   in 2016, international attendees made up 10% at conierence
GLOBAL DAMAGE A\/0l[;ANCE participants. Join speakers trorri around the world tor a
 D O S ‘ U M global perspective on the concerns and initiatives at the
damage prevention industry.

TheG|oba| Be the solution. Best practices & Global perspectives. —
According to 2m 5 DIRT data. 30% at reported damage
events occurred on natural gas utilities. Listen to subiect

S Y M D O S ‘ U M matterexperts as they address the current state otthe oil
and gas industry including intorrnatian on damage
prevention, public awareness and more.

WATEE 5. SEWER INERASTDUCTURE According to 2015 DIRT data. 27% of damages to

D D   | O N Buried infrastructure in the us. and Canada involved
water/sewenrelated vvarx. Jam industry experts as they

S V M D O S | U M   trends ‘in the water and sewer industry.

TheW°terSewerSymposium-com Be the solution. prevent water Loss dr overflow. T
iNTE R N AHO N AL LOCAN N6 According to zoi 5 DIRT data, on average, an underground
 utility line is damaged every two minutes. Incidental damage
to underground utilities occurs more than 31 7,000 times in

S Y I\/\ D O S l U M the u.s. annually. This Symposium addresses the importance

of locating and how it impacts the industry.
TheL°C°Hn95vml>°sivm-com Be the solution. Vour Marks Matter. T
According to 2m 5 DIRT data, 53% at the known service
‘- l “‘ i interruptions came from damages to telecommunication
BY [\/\ D O S ‘ U I\/\ utilities. Learn trarn industry experts as they address the
current state of the communications industry.
“-"“"‘°"i""="’°"W"'“    Use code “AL811" when registering to receive a FREE
Effflm ' CGA 811 Excavation Safety conterence & Expo t-shirt
:   while supplies last.
CGA 811 Excavation sa[ety Conferenceé Expo is owned and produced by /nfruslrucfwe Resources, LLC

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