Page 12 - Alabama 811 2016 Issue 4
P. 12

Alabama 811 - L00
tha~bL\'n an extternely busy yea! . ' , l ' _ " ‘ ' ' a ‘
on all tmntsthlspastyeat. Whlle _»* E4. _ ‘ ,:<,_
llW0|I1dbEll'l’1p0~5|b1Cl0lh(|Kflu, - ‘ ‘ ;','_‘».;_Y_» . ' g: ‘ V /
hemarcalew thnags that come to __ - — 1*‘ -~ -l
mind whenthInklngabuutAlabama ._'-‘_--' ~ x 41 ‘ :. s '- x , .
é$11and201h: . - ' '» 3 a ‘s _ .'
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lt.a..m.«.t..l..— c.u.1..—y-l.u- '1, , ,
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Settln records for <——'— = "~  a ,. /V. N V:  7 a "
_g agt_l Knowwnarsbelow ‘ \_ .7 _,'
taklng locate — ~ - ———+:» c.
requests .,‘-;__§_ 1 I  ‘ ;,_, ,

lt has been a rccurd setung year As of ’  " .

lhh wnlmg lt ls esunlateel that to: the “ " In * l n.n...,a .

htst tlnle H) the lnstoty of Alabama ’ .
811, we will have ptueesseel more than

5“”'°“”'“‘°"“"5 '°“"‘° “l“°*“*- Finding new ways to reach stakeholders with the

811 message
Mark Stowe and the Huntlng ln the Sucks (HITS) field pmduetlen crew headed
to Lake Mltchell near Clanton. ln 2U16, HITS pmlected they would sham the 811
message to a staggenng 9 b nnlhun v|L‘wL‘r~ on the Pntsult channel.
1'.  .
_ ' _ ', 53* I .44
.1. . ‘
V  ~9 44 .r
Now Avallable: 24/7 V
coverage forcalllngln s  _:r...;;_ :».< ‘ ‘v ~' V I  - -
a locate request fl , V ;,_,,-e_£. A __ _ ' \.-J

Alabama 811 began pnmaltng 24/7  ;¥ 'h‘,’?:;;'~;‘,__.,,,, i-;_{,_-lr: .

toveragebyuullzlng 0|IrPrOg1'L‘~s|\'C t ' , _ V _:r, ‘ ,,;.v_ I   V * ,. __ -

Partnenng (P2) rclatlon~hlp and  _.4:..g.f;;¢_\5  v_ 7__, T .-

furwardlng our eall~ to B11 I“!}’(_¢4,f‘a'.},$;-':‘;'-,‘;’;_‘ 3T:;r;’s;:‘,  “.gj‘;,-.-: '1' 7-,

tut afterhuur coverage Tennessee - ’ ' ‘ ~ l ' ‘- ‘ '-‘ -"“ '‘

811 opL‘ralL‘~ on a 24/7 basls and .

after—huuxcall~fl.»rl.»LhexP2 Taklng the 811 message to schools

dates as well. Most of the aitenhoux

ealls pmeesseel am nun—L‘mL‘rgency ln the fink quartet of tlus yeat, Alabama 811 teteweel a phone eall from a 5th grade
ealls. Remember, emetgeney loeate teaehet [Mrs cnee) In Madman we leamed about then lnlcrcslln undergmund
requests am communlcated to member ul|l|UL‘~ and B11. Alabama 811, along wlth the Alabama Publlc Servlce Comnuss-lon’s
Ilndurgtound raelhty owners aeeomhng Depanmenl ut P|pL‘llnc sate-ty and three local ntlhues, converged on the ~chonl

to then eleslgnateel dellvery loeauon wlth enough manpower to set up an cqulpment mdcu my about 330 cluldren In
—but lt wlll stlll be up to the lndlvldual the 4th -hth gxades. The klds had a blast. We've already been mvlted back dunng
utlllty eonlpanys policy on how and Safe Dlggmg Month In 2017. Hopefully other sehool. wlll take advantage ui these
when they xespunel. eelueatlonal oppottnnlues.

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